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All machines used in our complex are the latest in the industry with state of the art Italian, Spanish & German Technologies, we partnered with IPAP SL to offer customised technological solutions, ranging from plant design to staff training, wastes management and by-products recovery. Project and design of industrial facilities, construction management, quality control, and environmental studies.

As the largest leather manufacturer and producer of organic solid & fertilizers, amino acids and gelatin in Africa & the Middle East, our complex recycles 100% of our raw material waste producing 100% high quality organic byproducts that meet the requirements of international Market standards.

Together for a sustainable future.

Sustainability Objectives


Our machines and processes latest technology ensure that we optimize our water usage in every process throughout the complex while our water treatment plant is built with the capacity to contain future expansion.


We aim to generate 40% of our Energy from Solar Panels and other green energy resources in the short term.


All chemicals used in our processes are REACH Compliant while our process and machinery ensure minimal use of chemicals thereby minimizing the toxicity levels in our waste.


All wastage is disposed off in compliance with the Egyptian Government regulations and in line with the initiative "Egypt Go Green" and Vision 2030.


Our complex will provide over 1,000 job opportunities in direct labour with a female representation of more than 35%  while providing internships to Engineering Students from Technical High Schools, Engineering Faculties and Institutes.

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